About Us
Associate Directors
WOOMB International has Affiliates in many countries. These national bodies are responsible for the training and accreditation of teachers of the Billings Ovulation Method® in their own country.
In addition, some Affiliates have joined regional groups to offer support to neighbouring Affiliates and to share resources.
The Directors are supported by an Advisory Group of Associate Directors.

Alicia Pastor del Amo
Senior Teacher – WOOMB Spain. Billings Europe WhatsApp Coordinator
Alicia Pastor del Amo
Senior Teacher – WOOMB Spain. Billings Europe WhatsApp Coordinator
Alicia Pastor del Amo works as an ICU Nurse at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. She is Vice President of WOOMB Spain and Coordinator of the Billings Center in Barcelona. As a Member of the Family Orientation Center of the Bishopric of Terrassa (Barcelona) she teaches the Billings Ovulation Method® to women and couples. She is currently the Treasurer of the Board of Billings Europe and has instigated a Billings Europe WhatsApp group to bring teachers within Europe together from time to time. In 2019 Alicia and Heloisa Pereira from Brazil, travelled to Portugal offering Teacher Training which led to Portugal applying for Affiliation with WOOMB International. She continues to offer mentoring support to Billings Portugal.

Dr Marija Curlin
Senior Teacher- Croatia. President, Croatian Natural Family Planning Centre
Dr Marija Curlin
Senior Teacher- Croatia. President, Croatian Natural Family Planning Centre
As the President of the Croatian Natural Family Planning Centre, Marija has been actively teaching and leading Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher Training Courses since 2009. She also promotes the Billings Ovulation Method® and the values of Natural Family Planning through the TeenSTAR Teacher Training Courses. Marija is a Professor at the School of Medicine, Catholic University of Zagreb, Croatia. As a collaborator on several international and national research projects, she has become an expert in gene expression analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Her special research interest is molecular regulation of endocervical gland activity

Dr Lek-Lim Chan
Senior Teacher – Malaysia. Vice-President Natural Family Planning Association, Malaysia
Dr Lek-Lim Chan
Senior Teacher- Croatia. President, Croatian Natural Family Planning Centre
Lek-Lim is a doctor of natural medicine who has continuously served as either President or Vice-President of the Natural Fertility Awareness Service of Malaysia (NFASM) since 1997. He is specialised in the Billings Ovulation Method® and is its Education & Scientific Coordinator in Malaysia. He has special interest in using the woman’s chart as a diagnostic tool and works closely with some international medical research personnel on reproductive and endocrine abnormalities. Using his unique talents, he has been outreaching to other Asian countries offering the Billings Ovulation Method® and assisting these fledgling organisations to become ready for affiliation with WOOMB International Ltd.

Raymond Ganar
Senior Teacher – Philippines. Training Director WOOMB Philippines
Raymond Ganar
Senior Teacher – Philippines. Training Director WOOMB Philippines
Raymond Ganar has been teaching the Billings Ovulation Method® since 1992 together with his parents Isagani and Linda Ganar. In the early ’90s, he started to introduce the Billings Ovulation Method® to the poorest communities in the Philippines. Then, in 2009, as Training Director of WOOMB Philippines Inc., he became actively involved in giving Teacher Training Courses on Billings Ovulation Method® to the different dioceses in the Philippines under the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life. He is a nurse and he took Masters in Chemistry Education. Since 1996 up to the present time, he dedicated himself to a full-time faculty member of the PAREF Southridge School for Boys. He teaches Chemistry and Physics and took the following roles through the years as Science Department Head, Personal Formation Officer, and Curriculum Development Officer of the said school.

Maria Garcia
Senior Teacher USA – WOOMB Latinoamérica Coordinator
Maria Garcia
Senior Teacher USA – WOOMB Latinoamérica Coordinator
Maria is a senior teacher of the Billings Ovulation Method® certified by BOMA-USA and is a member of their Education Committee as well as a member for the USCCB National NFP Advisory Board. She attended the University of Illinois at Chicago and earned her Masters of Arts Certificate in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union. She works with the Hispanic community in Chicago teaching the Billings Ovulation Method®. Maria was appointed as Spanish Language Liaison Person to WOOMB International in 2009 and works closely with WOOMB Latinoamerica in translating authentic materials into Spanish and outreaching to neighbouring countries in South America.

Dr Karen MacDonald
Senior Teacher – Canada WOOMB Canada Board Member
Dr Karen MacDonald
Senior Teacher – Canada WOOMB Canada Board Member
Dr Karen MacDonald practices Emergency Medicine in Nova Scotia, Canada. While a student at the John Paul II Institute of Marriage and Family, she did her clinical training in the Billings Ovulation Method® in Melbourne in 2005 under the supervision of Merilyn Kennealy and Marian Corkill. She became a certified teacher trainer in Canada in 2006 and has taught a monthly clinic in Halifax, Nova Scotia since 2008. She has been a member of the board of WOOMB Canada and the National Education Committee since 2007 and the president of WOOMB Nova Scotia since 2008. She attended her first WOOMB International conference with Fr Joseph Hattie in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia. She has attended subsequent conferences in Melbourne in 2005 and 2007, in Kuching, Malaysia in 2013 and in Zagreb, Croatia in 2016.

Gustavo Machado
Senior Teacher – Argentina. President Red Billings Argentina
Gustavo Machado
Senior Teacher – Argentina. President Red Billings Argentina
A professional geologist Gustavo is working for the National Ministry of Energy and Mines in Argentina. Happily married to Nieves and blessed with five children, he fell in love with the authentic Billings Ovulation Method® when he and Nieves went to Melbourne in 2000 and met the Drs Billings and their team. Since then, he has been a passionate worker, spreading the “truth of the Billings Ovulation Method®”, after reuniting a strong team of dedicated Billings Ovulation Method® teachers around the country, who were updated by Aussie teachers and became “Teachers of Excellence”, extending the good news to younger generations. He has strengthened the bond between WOOMB International and Billings Argentina, through active participation in most of WOOMB´s initiatives, focused on Spanish speaking countries and couples: translation of authentic materials for training, including the website, teaching the Billings Ovulation Method® through the internet, Billings Ovulation Method® correspondence course, E-Bulletin etc. He is an active member of WOOMB Latinoamerica.

Pauline McCarthy
Senior Teacher – England. Education Chair – Billings Method England
Pauline McCarthy
Senior Teacher – England. Education Chair – Billings Method England
Pauline’s first training course on the Billings Ovulation Method® was with Drs John and Evelyn Billings in London in the mid 1990’s followed by a Correspondence Course and finally a 1:1 interview with Dr Lyn a year later. Termed ‘one of us’ by Dr Lyn, Pauline has never stopped being committed to the Method. Pauline established the affiliate Billings Method England (BME) 6 years ago and as Director of Education has successfully organised and carried out an approved continuous training programme for the up-skilling and accreditation of all BME teachers in person and online. She has made the move to online teaching of clients effortlessly. She is interested in protecting the authenticity of the Method while making it available to all, and expanding the reach. She has been married for 40 years with 6 adult children.

Dr Mark Whitty
Senior Teacher – Ireland. President NAOMI Billings Ireland
Dr Mark Whitty
Senior Teacher – Ireland. President NAOMI Billings Ireland
Mark works in family medicine in Dublin, Ireland and completed a Masters (MSc) in women’s health in 2004. He has also completed post graduate studies in medical education and in ethics.
For many years he has offered valuable advice as a medical consultant to the Directors.
He was a Director, Board Member and Trustee of the BOM Trust, England.
He is currently the President of the Billings organisation in Ireland, NAOMI / Billings Ireland, and teaches the Billings Ovulation Method® in Dublin.
He accepted the responsibility of being the first President of the Billings Europe group since it was formed in Paris in 2013.
Mark has represented WOOMB International at conferences in Rome, Spain and Paris.

Martha Winn
Senior Teacher – USA. Education Committee Chair – BOMA-USA
Martha Winn
Senior Teacher – USA. Education Committee Chair – BOMA-USA
Martha Winn is a Senior Teacher of the Billings Ovulation Method®. She was trained by WOOMB International through the Teacher Training Correspondence Course and certified by BOMA-USA in 2004. Providing individual(s) with information about the Method is her joy and passion. She is on the BOMA faculty for the Basic Teacher Training, Extension Course, Advanced Teacher Training Online Course, and Medical Seminar. As a registered nurse, she is especially interested in communicating with medical professionals the key role providers can play in empowering women with knowledge of the Billings Ovulation Method®. She serves on the Education Committee for BOMA-USA, ensuring the authentic method is taught to every person who contacts a certified teacher. Martha lives in Bowling, Green KY with her husband, Earl. They have 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren.