About Us
Directors of WOOMB International
WOOMB International – World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings – continues the work of its founders the late Drs John and Evelyn Billings who established the Billings Ovulation Method® of natural fertility regulation. The Billings Ovulation Method® is a Method which empowers women, through knowledge of their patterns of fertility and infertility and the time of ovulation, to achieve or postpone pregnancy and to monitor their reproductive health.
Our Directors are passionate about:

Gillian Barker
Developing authentic visual resources.
Gillian Barker
Developing authentic visual resources
Gillian is involved in the ongoing development of programs for training both teachers and medical professionals. With Marian Corkill, she worked on developing the curricula for both the Extension Course and the Advanced Online Teacher Training Course for Billings Ovulation Method® teachers. Gillian has developed authentic visual resources for teaching couples, teacher training programs and conferences.
She has travelled to China, Pakistan and the USA to conduct teacher training programs and speak at Conferences. Gillian was part of a team who train teachers throughout Vietnam, spanning over several years.
Gillian worked in the laboratory headed by Professor James Brown where the hormonal validation of the Billings Ovulation Method® was completed. She was involved in the development of the Ovarian Hormone Monitor and it was through this work that she became involved in the Billings Ovulation Method® and subsequently trained as a teacher.

Kerry Bourke
Teaching couples the Billings Ovulation Method®
Kerry Bourke
Teaching couples the Billings Ovulation Method®
Kerry was first accredited as a Billings Ovulation Method® teacher in 1980 and became a Director of WOOMB International in 2006.
To meet the need of couples wishing to learn online, most of Kerry’s teaching is now guiding women and couples who have requested a teacher after accessing online charting. Her experience has been with Fertility Pinpoint™, one of the WOOMB International approved online charting resources.
She is a past President of OMR&RCA Ltd – the Australian Affiliate of WOOMB International – and remains a Director of that Board. She is also a member of the OMR&RCA Education Committee.
She expanded her interest in ethical and moral issues by completing a Graduate Diploma in Theology from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, in Melbourne in 2006. She has travelled to many countries helping to conduct Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher Training Courses.
Kerry remains forever grateful to have known and worked with Drs John and Lyn Billings and their organisation for over 40 years.

Marian Corkill
Training and updating teachers of excellence
Marian Corkill
Training and updating teachers of excellence
As one of the first group of teachers in Melbourne when the Drs Billings decided to spread the Method by women to women, Marian very quickly learned of the importance of the competent teacher. She is passionate about ensuring that all Billings Ovulation Method® teachers have the ability to expand their knowledge and skills to ensure that the authentic Billings Ovulation Method® is offered to all. She has been involved in the development of the curricula for the WOOMB Approved Basic and Correspondence Teacher Training Courses as well as the Extension Course and Advanced Online Teacher Training Course to ensure teachers remain upskilled. She understands the importance of quality visual aids and works to ensure the availability of PowerPoint presentations suitable for teachers and medical professionals. She was the original lead person for OMR&RCA in having Billings Ovulation Method® training courses and seminars approved for quality points with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Marian is currently the Chair of the WOOMB Board of Directors.

Bernadette Davies
Offering the remote Teacher Training Course globally
Bernadette Davies
Offering the remote Teacher Training Course globally
Bernadette was one of the first trainees to become accredited through the newly developed Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher Training Correspondence Course (TTCC), which lead to her passion for working as a TTCC Tutor to train teachers throughout the world.
She graduated as a physiotherapist in 1978 and was accredited as a Billings Ovulation Method® teacher in 1990. In 1998 she completed a certificate in the “Biology of the Cervix” with Prof Erik Odeblad from the University of Umea, Sweden.
Bernadette was the Area Administrator for South Australia from 1990-2020 and presented teacher-training programs in Adelaide from 2000. She has also assisted in presenting TTP’s in Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong, Viet Nam, and Malaysia. She was appointed a member of the Education Committee of OMR&RCA in 2015.
Bernadette has been a Tutor and Supervisor of the Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher Training Correspondence Course since 2003 and took over as Coordinator of the TTCC in 2018.
In 2008, Bernadette was trained by the RACGP for Accredited Provider Status for QI&CPD activities and continues to be an EAR.
In 2014, Bernadette was part of a team that set up the Fertility Fundamentals Clinic, the first Australian natural fertility GP clinic that incorporated fertility education and medical treatment as an alternative to IVF.
In 2020, Bernadette was appointed a Director of WOOMB International Ltd.

Marie Marshell
Ensuring all teaching and training literature is authentic
Marie Marshell
Ensuring all teaching and training literature is authentic
Marie has a strong interest in the spread of authentic training and materials, developed through her experience working with the Drs Billings through a decade of trips to China as the lead Billings Ovulation Method® trainer. This led to an enriched and expanded teaching system and formed the basis for the curricula for training now used internationally. With Marian Corkill she has travelled extensively training and up skilling teachers throughout the world. She is a past Coordinator of the Education Committee of OMR&RCA and was the Study Leader for the Study on the Billings Ovulation Method® and the Achievement of Pregnancy.