WOOMB International
Congress 2023
Event Highlights
Over 430 participants from throughout Europe and the rest of the globe came together either in person or online to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Billings Ovulation Method®. And what a marvellous celebration it was!
The University of the Sacred Heart in Rome put together a two day programme filled with an array of speakers and topics. The excitement was building as everyone looked forward to hearing all the talks. Nobody anticipated a message from Pope Francis. There was total silence in the auditorium as His Excellency Mons Claudio Giuliodori, Ecclesial Assistant of the University delivered the message.
From this point on the Conference only got better, as it progressed from science to health to culture and then to the Billings Ovulation Method® around the world.
The John J Billings Memorial Lecture was given by Dr Paola Pellicano, Director of the Study and Research Centre for the Regulation of Fertility in the University of the Sacred Heart. As a long-time friend and colleague of the Drs Billings the title of her talk The “Billings Revolution” 70 years later: an insight that changed history was not only fitting but well received and earned a standing ovation.
Gillian Barker and Micaela Menarguez shared the scientific achievements of two incredible men, Professor James Brown and Professor Erik Odeblad. These humble men were not only part of the scientific validation of the Billings Ovulation Method® but dear friends of John and Lyn Billings.
From old to new, it was now time to hear about current research and the participants were in awe of these talented doctors and researchers as they listened to the mind-blowing work that is continuing. We cannot wait to read all this work as it is published.
Dr Lyn Billings is quoted as saying “This is knowledge that every woman ought to have” and to hear how the Billings Ovulation Method® has been taught in different cultures, going beyond the political and religious constraints and helping couples and families was very uplifting. Three wonderful philosophical lectures followed leaving all participants with much to ponder.
With minds full of so much information to absorb and process it was now time to relax and listen to Drs John and Lyn’s favourite session, the reports from all the Affiliates. This session was inspiring as representatives of each of the Affiliates presented their achievements. Everyone was left with a feeling of happiness, optimism and hope, knowing the authentic Billings Ovulation Method® is continuing to be taught throughout the world.
To sum up the Conference in one word- “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”!
Evelyn & John Billings"We are not saying that everything will be easy, we will still have to fight for a long time, but… we are destined to win. There is no doubt that natural family planning will be the Method of the future!"
Meeting with Pope Francis
This wonderful event culminated with participants having the opportunity to attend the General Audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, 3rd May with four of our group, representing four WOOMB regions, of Conference attendees - Europe, Oceania, Asia and Africa being selected to meet the Pope. A letter of thanks, signed by all Conference participants was handed directly to the Holy Father. The resource synonymous with the Billings Ovulation Method® - the Slide Rule which shows the phases of the cycle - was waved for all to see, by the very happy participants. An unforgettable experience!

The John and Evelyn Billings Award

With only a handful of people knowing about this Award, Dr Elena Giacchi, Dr Paola Pellicano and Dr Aurora Saporosi were unaware that their names were soon the be announced by the WOOMB Directors as the recipients of the John and Evelyn Billings Award in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the spread of the Billings Ovulation Method®.
Italy has a strong team of Billings Ovulation Method® teachers who have been trained at some point by one or all these three amazing women. Other countries, like Romania and Albania have also benefited from their dedication to spreading the authentic Method.
As they made their way to the stage you could see the range of emotions pass over their faces – surprise, joy and a few tears. Also, a little sadness that their beloved mentor and dear friend, Dr Sr Anna Capella, was not there to share it with them.
As they left the stage they were quickly surrounded by colleagues, students and friends and it became obvious that they are much loved and respected by all.
Congratulations Dr Elena Giacchi, Dr Paola Pellicano and Dr Aurora Saporosi.
Teacher Training Program
Billings Ovulation Method® Teacher Training Programs traditionally follow WOOMB International Conferences. Rome was no exception!
47 Excited Italian speaking people registered for the Basic Teacher Training Program that offered 3 days of interactive training and lots of fun as seen by the happy smiles! Billings Ovulation Method® Trainers from the various regions of Italy offered this program and the next step for this group is to gain clinical experience and accreditation. To learn more about training as a Billings Ovulation Method® teacher click here

Extension Program
Over 60 accredited teachers from all over the world included the Billings Ovulation Method® Extension Program into their stay in Rome. Two WOOMB Directors, Gillian Barker and Bernadette Davies offered an expansion of knowledge and skills which covered: how to ask the right questions to ensure an accurate chart was explored, understanding the Ovulatory Variants of the Continuum as described by Professor Brown, as well as identifying the Diagnostic Benefits of the Billings chart.

Our Partners
We are truly fortunate to have such exceptional partners like you who share our vision and values. Your expertise, resources, and contributions have significantly enhanced our ability in promoting knowledge of fertility and natural methods.